Sunday, September 11, 2011

P4C. com

Check out this subscription website and call for contributions from Great Britain:

    Posted by: "Steve Williams" thinkingscripts
    Date: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:21 am ((PDT))


(Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested)

P4C.COM LIMITED is a UK-based not-for-profit cooperative, providing
online resources and support for philosophical dialogue with children
and teenagers.

Despite the growing popularity of philosophy for and with children and
the tremendous creativity of teachers and others working in this field,
many schools and teachers worldwide practise P4C in isolated pockets.
Excellent resources and examples of good practice fail to reach the
widest audience of P4Cers who would find them useful, and conferences
only provide short-term opportunities to share, question and discuss.

P4C.COM is a subscription-based website aiming to reduce isolation and
increase collaboration. Authors and organisations allowing us to use
their materials on the website receive a share of the subscription
income. We do not ask for exclusive use or ownership of copyright.
Contributors may use their work anywhere else they like. In fact, they
may already have made the work available on their own websites or
published it themselves.

Accepted contributions are awarded points, and income is distributed to
each contributing individual or organisation every six months according
to their share of the overall total of points. We can pay international
contributors and organisations as well as ones from the UK.

On-going contributors (organisations and individuals) are eligible to
become members of the co-operative if they so wish. Members can share in
decision-making and enjoy other benefits such as free conferences and

Any income not used for payment of authors is used for the maintenance
and improvement of the website, to pay for editing and administrative
services and to contribute funds to worthwhile projects in Philosophy
for and with children around the world. NONE is taken as an un-earned
share of profits.

We would like P4C.COM to become a site where people go to find a wide
range of materials, curriculum designs and ideas for philosophical
dialogue with children, and where teachers and others can be recognised
and rewrded for the resources they create. There are over 400
P4C-specific resources on the site and the facilities for searching and
filtering content are ready for a big expansion in the material. You can
see some samples at In the future we
will also be publishing audio and video material. The same conditions
will apply.


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